Be Good Inside with Culturelle Sweepstake - Culturelle Top
Per person per email address per day one story allowed. The minimum age required for the sweepstakes is 18 years old or older. Winner’s choice of an 8-day/7-night Globe Aware trip for two to one of the following destinations:
Puerto Rico: A trip for two to participate in Hurricane clean up/disaster relief/home-building.
Peru: A trip for two to Peru for the opportunity to participate in Community support and improvement of facilities. (ARV: $1365)
Costa Rica: A trip for two to Costa Rica for the opportunity to participate in community and educational support activities. (ARV: $1505)
First Prize
Trip of Choice. $5,000 ARV.Other Prizes
(500) Culturelle® SKU product (ARV: $20 each)(30)) VISA gift cards (ARV: $100 each)
(30) Amazon gift cards (ARV: $25 each)
(30) Walmart gift cards (ARV: $25 each)
(75) Sponsor-specified Purifying Water Bottles (ARV: $10 each)
(150) Sponsor-specified T-shirts (ARV: $10 each)
(200) Sponsor-specified baseball caps (ARV: $10 each)
Entry Form List
not availableAdded
ExpiredPrize Count
450Prize Value
$20,255Minimum Age
GiveawayEntry Frequency
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