
Golden Card Promotion Sweepstakes - Red Lobster Top

ExpiredGolden Card Promotion Sweepstakes

50 winners! Each winner will receive free Red Lobster for one year awarded in the form of a $2,000.00 Red Lobster gift card.

Compose a new Tweet with a photo showing his/her most memorable Red Lobster experience/memory including the hashtag “#RLGoldenSweepstakes” to receive one entry.

First Prize

Each winner will receive free Red Lobster for one year awarded in the form of a $2,000 USD Red Lobster gift card (redeemable in the United States only) for U.S. and D.C. residents or a $2,000 CAD Red Lobster gift card (redeemable in Canada only) for Canadian residents. ARV of each Prize is $2,000 USD/$2,000 CAD.

Entry Form


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