Ensure Can Do Giveaway - Abbott Laboratories Top

3 big winners will get a $12,000.00 awarded as $1,000 per month for 12 months. Limit one grand prize per household; limit one additional prize per household.
First Prize
(3) $12,000 awarded as $1,000 per month for 12 months.Other Prizes
(20) 1-month of Home Bistro prepared meal service delivery, awarded as a $420 Home Bistro gift certificate(20) Vitamix S50 personal blender, and five multipacks of Ensure as coupons. ARV $458.95
(20) $250 prepaid gift card
(10) $200 prepaid gift card
(10) 1-year supply of Ensure, awarded as 61 multipack coupons. ARV $731.39
Entry Form
https://candogiveaway.com/en-us/EnterWinners List
not availableAdded
ExpiredPrize Count
83Prize Value
$67,892.90Minimum Age
Abbott LaboratoriesType
GiveawayEntry Frequency
Daily Entry-
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