Bass Pro Shops Gone Fishing Sweepstakes - Bass Pro Top
Take the pledge to take someone fishing to enter and you will get a chance to win a Toyota AWD RAV4 Platinum worth $35,000.00. Per person only single entry is allowed.
First Prize
Grand Prize for US residents: a Toyota AWD RAV4 Platinum valued at approximately (ARV: $35,000)Grand Prize for Canada residents: a YETI prize package consisting of a Tundra 75; a YETI Hopper Two 30; a YETI Hopper Flip; a YETI Rambler 20; a YETI Rambler Colster; a YETI 36oz. Bottle, a YETI Hat; and a YETI Bottle Opener. Total combined approximate retail value of prize is CDN$1,563.
Entry Form List
not availableAdded
ExpiredPrize Count
2Prize Value
$36,500Minimum Age
Bass ProType
SweepstakesEntry Frequency
One Time-
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