Priceless Surprises Sweepstakes - MasterCard Top

A $22,500.00 5-day/4-night trip for winner & guest to Maui, HI in June 2017 with everything you need could be yours.
Trip includes round-trip coach airfare from the major airport nearest winner’s residence, (1) standard double-occupancy hotel accommodation, ground transportation to/from the airport & the applicable hotel, select onsite activities to be determined by Sponsor, including, but not limited to, a welcome reception dinner & meals at selected restaurants, a $300 MasterCard Prepaid Card, & $7,000 awarded as a check that may be used to help offset taxes.
You will automatically receive 1 entry into the Sweeps each time you use your eligible Mastercard to make an eligible signature-based purchase transaction during the Promo Period.
First Prize
5-day/4-night trip for winner & guest to Maui, HIOther Prizes
(10) $500 Mastercard Prepaid Card(20) $250 Mastercard Prepaid Card
Entry Form List
not availableAdded
ExpiredPrize Count
31Prize Value
$32,500Minimum Age
SweepstakesEntry Frequency
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