
The LEGO Batman Movie Sweepstakes - Good Housekeeping

ExpiredThe LEGO Batman Movie Sweepstakes

Win a $4,500.00 3-night trip for 4 to either Los Angeles, CA or New York City to attend the premiere screening of The LEGO Batman Movie; $500 check to use towards ground transportation, meals, or other expenses; and 4 passes to the screening.

Screening is tentatively scheduled for February 2017. Hurry and enter.

First Prize

3-night trip for 4 to either Los Angeles, CA or New York City to attend the premiere screening of The LEGO Batman Movie; $500 check to use towards ground transportation, meals, or other expenses; and 4 passes to the screening.

Other Prizes

(10) $40 Fandango Promotional Code that can be used to redeem one pair of movie tickets to see the Film

Entry Form


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