Win a Year's Worth of Movie Tickets and Dinners! - T-Mobile Top
Win a Fandango gift card for an amount equivalent to two standard movie tickets per week for fifty-two weeks and a check for $3,640 for dinners, PLUS a check for $2,229.00 to help winner with taxes and miscellaneous expenses in his/her sole discretion. Total worth $7,429.00! 2 grand prize winners!
There is a limit of one Game play per person/valid email/mobile number.
First Prize
(2) Grand Prizes: Each winner of this prize, subject to verification, will receive a Fandango gift card for an amount equivalent to two standard movie tickets per week for fifty-two (52) weeks and a check for $3,640 for dinners ($70 per week for 52 weeks, may not cover tax, tip and alcohol), PLUS a check for $2,229. to help winner with taxes and miscellaneous expenses in his/her sole discretion. Approximate retail value (“ARV”) of entire prize is $7,429.Other Prizes
(10)Each winner of this prize, subject to verification, will receive a Fandango gift card for an amount equivalent to two standard movie tickets per week for twenty-six (26) weeks and $1,820 for dinners ($70 per week for 26 weeks, may not cover tax, tip and alcohol), PLUS a check for $1,114. that winner can use for taxes and/or miscellaneous expenses in his/her sole discretion, ARV: $3,714.(1,430) Each winner of this prize, subject to verification, will receive a check for one hundred dollars ($100) that winner can use for dinner and a movie for two (2) or in winner’s sole discretion, ARV: $100.
Entry Form List
not availableAdded
ExpiredPrize Count
1,441Prize Value
$194,998Minimum Age
GiveawayEntry Frequency
One Time-
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