Procter & Gamble Twogether Land Sweepstakes - Win 2 VIP Tickets (2 Winners) - Proctor & Gamble

Looking to experience the best of Hip-Hop, R&B and more this summer?
Then this is the perfect giveaway for you!
Catch some of the best and rising artists in the music industry and more in this latest giveaway from Procter & Gamble!
Enter now and be one of the two winners of two VIP tickets for the Twogether Land Festival in Dallas, Texas from May 25-26, 2024! Featuring live acts from Lil Wayen, Gucci Mane and more, it's the perfect festival to enjoy with extra perks for VIPs!
Sounds fun right? Just click on the link below and follow the instructions!
So don't miss out on this amazing music festival and enter now!
First Prize
2 Winners: Two VIP Passes Twogether Land Festival in Dallas, Texas (May 25 to 26, 2024) with Access to Three Stages, Prime Viewing Locations, Complimentary Drinks in VIP Lounges and Access to Mobile Phone ChargersEntry Form List
not availableRestrictions/Eligibility
18+, US Residents OnlyAdded
ExpiredPrize Count
2Prize Value
$1,800Minimum Age
Proctor & GambleType
SweepstakesEntry Frequency
One Time-
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