Loan Depot Ballpark Bingo Sweepstakes - Win A Trip For 2 To The ALCS, NLCS Game or the MLB All-Star Game - Loan Depot

Are you a baseball fan?
Then this is the perfect sweepstakes for you!
MLB and loanDepot are teaming up for an incredible giveaway!
Enter now for a chance to win a trip for two to the MLB All-Star Game and NLCS or ALCS! A winner will be selected for the MLB All-Star and NLCS or ALCS! The trip comes with airfare, two nights hotel accommodation, access to additional events and tickets to the game!
Sounds like an amazing trip right? Simply click on the link below and follow the instructions!
So what are you waiting for? Enter now!
First Prize
2 Winners: A Trip For Two to the MLB All-Star Game, ALCS or NLCS Series with Airfare, Two Nights Hotel Accommodation, Event Tickets and Opportunity to Watch the Batting Practice Before the Game and Two Tickets to All-Star Village for a Day (For the MLB All-Star Prize)Entry Form List
not availableRestrictions/Eligibility
18+, US Residents OnlyAdded
ExpiredPrize Count
2Prize Value
$14,000Minimum Age
Loan DepotType
SweepstakesEntry Frequency
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