Grubhub Instant Cash Out Sweepstakes – Win A 2023 Hyundai Elantra Hybrid, Gift Cards & More - GrubHub

Experience a new world of comfort with the 2023 Hyundai Elantra Hybrid.
Enter the Grubhub Instant Cash Out Sweepstakes to win a grand prize of a brand new Hyundai Elantra Hybrid!
One grand prize winner, two second place winners, and 10 second place winners will all be rewarded with various prizes.
The grand prize winner will receive a Hyundai Elantra Hybrid (Sedan, Standard Edition), and a $5,000 cash in form of a check.
Go enter the sweepstakes as soon as you can for a chance to win one of the prizes at stake. Two first prize winners will each receive $1,000 Visa Gift Card, while 10 second place winners will each receive a $100 Grubhub eGift Card.
Entry closes by end of May; so, hurry up to enhance your chances of winning!
Want to give it a shot?
Enter NOW!!!
Good luck!!!
First Prize
1 Grand Prize Winner -The Winner Will Receive A 2023 Hyundai Elantra Hybrid (Sedan, Standard Edition) (Worth $25,500), And $5,000 Cash Awarded In The Form Of A Check Towards The Payment Of Income Taxes Associated With The Prize.
Other Prizes
2 First Prize Winners -Each Winner Will Receive A $1,000 Visa Gift Card.
10 Second Place Winners -
Each Winner Will Receive A $100 Grubhub eGift Card.
Entry Form List
not availableAdded
ExpiredPrize Count
13Prize Value
$33,500Minimum Age
GiveawayEntry Frequency
One Time-
- Report this Sweepstakes