Save A Lot Free Groceries Sweepstakes - Win Free Groceries For A Year - Save-A-Lot

Keeping to a grocery budget is often a challenge. This is made more difficult when you have limited funds.
Did you know that you could win a free groceries supply for one year.
Enter the Save A Lot Free Groceries sweepstakes and you could be the lucky winner of free grocery for a year.
One lucky grand prize winner will be rewarded with a grocery supply for one year in the form of 52 $100 Save-A-Lot gift cards.
Winning the grand prize will help you save on your grocery expenses for 12 months, and this could mean a lot.
Hurry up and drop your entry as submission won’t remain open for a long time. The promotion ends on January 22nd, which leaves you with a limited time to sign up.
Rush to the sweepstakes page to drop an entry by following the onscreen instructions.
Want to give it a shot?
Go drop an entry NOW!!!
First Prize
1 Grand Prize Winner -Free Groceries For A Year (Awarded In The Form Of 52 $100 Save-A-Lot Gift Cards).
Entry Form List
not availableAdded
ExpiredPrize Count
1Prize Value
$5,200Minimum Age
SweepstakesEntry Frequency
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