
Run Eugene Sweepstakes - Win A Trip + Free Entry To The Eugene Marathon - Eugene Marathon

ExpiredRun Eugene Sweepstakes - Win A Trip + Free Entry To The  Eugene Marathon

Do you love joining marathons?
Then this is the sweepstakes for you!

The Eugene Marathon is having a grand giveaway for one winner.

The grand prize winner will get to enter the Eugene Marathon for free with $500 airline voucher, hotel accommodation, a smart watch and gift packages from Run Gum and Hop Valley. Sounds cool right?

If you want in, simply click on the link below and follow the instructions.

So what are you waiting for? Enter now for a chance to win these amazing prizes soon!

First Prize

1 Winner: Entry to Eugene Marathon with $500 Airline Voucher, Two Nights Hotel Accommodation, One Watch, Run Gum and Hop Valley Prize Packages

Entry Form


Winners List

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