Godiva Valentine’s Day Instant Win Game - Win A Passion Ruby & Chocolate Diamond Heart Necklace (25 Winners) - Godiva Chocolatier

Already planning for Valentine's Day?
Then this is the giveaway for you!
Godiva has partnered with Le Vian for an amazing giveaway until February 15, 2022! During the giveaway period, 25 lucky winners will receive a beautiful Passion Ruby™ and Chocolate Diamond® Heart Necklace worth $2,000 each!
Sounds amazing right? Just click on the link below and follow the instructions to enter. Make sure to enter daily for more chances of winning.
So what are you waiting for? Enter ASAP and win this amazing prize just in time for Valentine's Day!
First Prize
25 Winners: Passion Ruby™ and Chocolate Diamond® Heart NecklaceEntry Form
https://godivainstantwin.com/Winners List
not availableRestrictions/Eligibility
ExpiredPrize Count
25Prize Value
$50,000Minimum Age
Godiva ChocolatierType
Instant WinEntry Frequency
Daily Entry-
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