Customer Survey - Win Discount Coupons In The McDonald's 2022 Customer Satisfaction Survey - McDonald's Top

McDVoice Survey
Eat regularly at McDonald's?
Want to win a discount coupon for your next visit?
Take part in the McDonald's Survey...
The McDonald's survey which can be accessed through the site, provides customers with a voice and an opportunity to air their opinions about how they can be better served.
An added advantage is the fact that you get a discount coupon to make your next visit cheaper.
To take the survey you will need a survey code - 26 digits. The code can be found on your receipt.
It is a short survey so it should be no stress and you will receive a validation code/discount coupon after you are done.
Want to win a discount coupon and at the same time let McDonald's know how to serve you better?
Go Take The Survey NOW!
First Prize
Discount Coupon/ Validation Code To Be Used At McDonald'sEntry Form List
not availableAdded
ExpiredPrize Count
1,000,000Prize Value
$10,000,000Minimum Age
SurveyEntry Frequency
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