$500,000, 157 Gift Cards & Thousands Of Coupons To Be Won In The Ruby Tuesday 50th Anniversary Sweepstakes - Ruby Tuesday Top

Ruby Tuesday's 50th Anniversary Promotion
Ruby Tuesday is celebrating 50 years of business with this promotion.
Enter the Ruby Tuesday's 50th Anniversary Sweepstakes for your chance to win $500,000 cash.
There are also 157 Ruby Tuesday Gift Cards to be won.
150 $25 Gift Cards, 5 $100 Cards and 2 $500 Gift Cards.
70,000 Ruby Tuesday coupons for Cheeseburger, Chicken Sandwich, and more are also up for grabs.
Enter NOW!
First Prize
$500,000 = 1 WinnerOther Prizes
157 Winners Of Gift Cards150 Winners Of $25 Gift Cards, 5 Winners Of $100 Cards and 2 Winners Of $500 Gift Cards.
70,000 Food Prizes Awarded As Ruby Tuesday Coupons = 70,000 Winners
Entry Form
https://rubycelebrates50.comWinners List
not availableAdded
ExpiredPrize Count
70,158Prize Value
$1,249,550Minimum Age
Ruby TuesdayType
SweepstakesEntry Frequency
Daily Entry-
- Report this Sweepstakes