$373,000 Prizes!!! Celebrate With a NFL Trip = Sweepstakes! - Mars Chocolate Top

Win a $10,000 4-night trip for 4 to Houston, TX; 4 tickets to Super Bowl LI in February 2017; transportation to/from airport/hotel/game; and $800 spending money. 200,000 Third Prizes!
Lots more to win! See the prize section. Limit one entry per day, regardless of entry method! Share and Like!
First Prize
4-night trip for 4 to Houston, TX; 4 tickets to Super Bowl LI in February 2017; transportation to/from airport/hotel/game; and $800 spending money. ARV $10,000Other Prizes
First Prize: Set of two tickets to regular season home-games for the NFL team of winner's choice. ARV $5,000Second Prize: (200) $50 NFLShop.com e-gift card
Additional Prizes: (20,000) Free product coupon for a Snickers Brand, M&Ms brand, Twix brand, Milky Way brand. Dove Chocolates brand, OR 3 Musketeers brand bar. ARV $1.49
Entry Form
https://beonthefield.snickers.com/en-us/AgeGateWinners List
not availableAdded
ExpiredPrize Count
20,202Prize Value
$323,000Minimum Age
Mars ChocolateType
SweepstakesEntry Frequency
Daily Entry-
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