$21,167 Publix Big Game Squares Instant Win Game - Smithfield Foods Top

Win a Trip to Tampa, FL valued at $13,250.00. There is a limit of one Game Play and one Sweepstakes entry per day up to 25 total Sweepstakes entries and Game Plays. Code will be emailed to entrant within six hours.
First Prize
Trip to Tampa, FL. Trip includes round-trip coach class air transportation from a major commercial airport near winner’s residence to Tampa, FL for winner and one adult guest, three nights hotel standard accommodations (single room/double occupancy), and a check for $10,500 (for winner only). ARV of the Sweepstakes Prize is $13,250.Other Prizes
Instant Win Game Prizes:$1,000 Publix Gift Card 1 $1,000
$100 Publix Gift Card 5 $100
$50 Publix Gift Card 10 $50
$25 Publix Gift Card 50 $25
$10 Publix Gift Card 100 $10
A Breakfast for a Year Booklet (awarded as 52 Smithfield coupons each good for a free Smithfield Breakfast expire 12/31/20; includes (16) Free Packages of any Smithfield Bacon (up to $8 value each), (12) Free Packages of any Smithfield Any Time Favorites (up to $10 value each), (12) Free Packages of any Smithfield Frozen Breakfast Items (up to $6 value each), and (12) Free Packages of any Smithfield Sausage Items (up to $5 value each) 5 $350
A Party Cooler 10 $61.70
A Tailgate Grill 10 $130
Entry Form
https://playbiggamesquares.com/amoeWinners List
not availableAdded
ExpiredPrize Count
20Prize Value
$21,167Minimum Age
Smithfield FoodsType
Instant WinEntry Frequency
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