Browse Past Church's Chicken Sweepstakes
Do you love looking at past sweepstakes to see the kind of prizes offered? What about seeing ratings from your favorite provider's contest or sweepstakes? Check out thousands of past offers here on! You will find some of the greatest sweeps ever offered!
3 past Church's Chicken sweepstakes found!
Church’s 65th Birthday Cash Bash Instant Win Game - Instant Win
Over 40,000 instant prizes! Win cash, gift cards, movie tickets, church’s for a year, branded merchandise, and more. $149,946.00 in value! There are two ways to play instant win game, but you must require game code to play it.ExpiredAdd to Favorites
40,300 Prizes worth $149,946Church’s Chicken Customer Feedback Survey - Survey
Share your dining experience at Church’s Chicken in the customer survey and get a free validation code to redeem a offer. Up to $10.00 value! Once you submit your survey, you will get validation code, write down it on your receipt to redeem offer…ExpiredAdd to Favorites
100 Prizes worth $1,000Thousands of prizes, enter now! - Sweepstakes
Thousands of awesome prizes up for grabs, including a $2000 trip for 4 to Las Vegas, Church's meals for a year, headphones and more! Purchase a 22 fl oz or 30fl oz beverage at a Church’s Chicken Restaurant for a game piece!ExpiredAdd to Favorites
157,140 Prizes worth $266,850