About Sweepstake.com

Sweepstake.com has launched in the United States to shake up the game of playing sweepstakes online. It will become the new focus of seasoned professionals to new players who are taking an interest in winning big. Future success is solid from our past success. Sweepstake.com is owned and operated by Michael Paul. Michael created GEWINNSPIELE.com in 1996 as a small collection intended for only family and friends. As the site was shared, it expanded rapidly and still ranks as the most popular sweepstakes website in Germany. Over 25 years of experience and counting has led Michael to recreate a better and less confusing experience for USA sweepstakes players. You will find something different at Sweeptake.com, the site takes things a step further and it will forever change the way you play and enter sweepstakes. Michael foresaw a demand in the US, where all of the top sweepstake directories were lacking a connection with players. He and the Sweepstake.com team have a goal to change how you enter sweeps. Sweepstakes are tested by editors, then evaluated and sorted into numerous categories. You can pick out your favorite competitions from the crowded market easier. We focus on high quality sweepstakes, delivered fresh. Michael has done it again with Sweepstake.com, and it comes as no surprise that we have a team of editors that work 24 hours a day to show you all you need in one place. It saves you time in finding the best sweepstakes. Unparalleled benefits, numerous categories, insider tips and tricks, unique features, and the highest quality sweeps are just a start to the improvements you can expect to enjoy when choosing Sweepstake.com over the others.

Negotiate Direct Ad Deal

Ready to advertise on sweepstake.com? Or would you like to speak with a member from Ezoic's direct sales team to find out more information?

Audience Highlights

Ezoic’s advanced targeting enables you to target the exact audience you are looking for across any website on our platform. Publishers can choose to target things like Google Organic Search, location, browser, device, cities, states, returning visitors, new visitors, and much more. Publishers can easily get insight into their audiences with in-depth analytics and use that data to target specific audiences.

Pageviews per Traffic Source

24.02%23.28%20.63%10.13%8.03%13.91%google.com: 9,984Direct: 9,674bing.com: 8,574android.gm: 4,208duckduckgo.com: 3,338Other: 5,782

Pageviews per Country


Pageviews per Browser

49.74%23.91%17.25%4.53%1.86%2.71%Chrome: 45,284Safari: 21,766IE: 15,708Firefox: 4,120Silk: 1,697Other: 2,463

Pageviews per Device

57.42%40.10%2.48%Desktop: 52,274Mobile: 36,502Tablet: 2,262

Website Technology Highlights

Ezoic’s advanced segmentation allows direct advertisers to target website visitors to sweepstake.com, based on the type of technology they are using to browse the website.

Individualized Ad Experiences Using Ezoic Technology

Ezoic is a powerful machine-learning platform that can deliver viewable, high-quality ads at scale across a network of trusted publishers. Ezoic uses artificial intelligence to dynamically control ad locations, sizes, colors, types, and more, and adapts in real-time to individual visitor preferences, i.e, need more 970x260's in Sweden? Ezoic can adapt existing placements to meet those needs. This technology provides websites with a higher CTR, click quality, and viewability based on present demographics and look-alike user behavior. Ezoic optimizes for user experience and revenue simultaneously through artificial intelligence, ensuring that users aren’t experiencing websites filled with ads and creating ad blindness, which ultimately earns publishers less money. Ezoic contains thousands of diverse publishers on our platform, which allows us to cover almost every category and vertical for advertisers.

Popular Ad Inventory Segments

High Viewability

Target ad placements with 70% or greater average viewability.

High CTR

Focus on ad placements with high click-through rates.

High Engagement

Target ad placements on pages with high level of user engagement scores.

Custom Segment

Customized for your individual ad targeting needs.

Ready to get your campaign live on sweepstake.com?
Or would you like to learn more? Contact Us!